Alpha Group Solution Training Partners
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Private Contracted Training
Discreet Tactical Training
Alpha Group Solution offers over 30 years of real world experience from U.S. SOF and Law Enforcement. Our priority is exclusive, private, one-on-one training on a divers number of firearms and Personal security. You tell us the goals you want to accomplish during your private training, and we will make certain that you attain them.
Learn from the very best. Former Airborne Ranger Medic and Special Forces Weapons Sgt. The U.S. Military's Premier Force Multipliers and Trainers of Small Unit Tactics, Survival and Weapons employment.
For more information contact us though email or call for private consultation!

New Firearms Owner basics:
This 4-hour orientation and is geared to the beginner & new firearms owners. This class is recommended for those shooters who want to improve their shooting skills. The course begins with a review of firearm safety, range rules, shooting terminology, and moves quickly into shooting skills development. On the range demonstrations, lectures, and drills will be utilized to ensure the students understanding of the shooting fundamentals. Each student will be evaluated for their understanding of grip, sight picture, trigger and breath control, and stance. Each student will be required to demonstrate the proper loading, unloading and immediate action drills for their firearm.
The student is required to bring their individual firearm, eye & ear protection, and 150 rounds of ammunition.

Tactical Pistol:
Defensive Handgun gives you a solid foundation in basic gun handling and marksmanship skills. Tactical Handgun course supplements that with the tools and techniques needed in a tactical encounter. Now it’s time to learn the application of those techniques, practice the critical decision making processes, and ingrain the skills required to win a tactical encounter.
The student is required to bring their individual firearm w/ magazines, eye & ear protection, and 150 rounds of ammunition.

Basic Rifle:
This comprehensive full day firearms training introduces the student to the AR-15 type rifle. During this course, students will learn about one of the most popular weapon systems that military & law enforcement uses for tactical situations. Students will become familiar with their AR-platform while they learn the basic AR handling skills, like Loading and Unloading; Carrying and Ready Positions; Shooting Stance and Assumption of Supported Positions; Sight Alignment, Sight Picture, and Trigger Control; Target Identification and Engagement from 7 to 100 yards. More importantly, safely, weapons functions, maintenance of their weapon system.
Gun, Gear, and Ammo Requirements:
(2) Magazines minimum (more is better)
Optics, Iron Sights, Red Dot, Magnified all OK (Back Up Iron Sights BUIS are suggested for those using magnified or battery powered optics)
Eye and ear protection are required.
Clothing, athletic type footwear, brimmed hat (long sleeves and pants are suggested)
100 - 150 rounds of ammunition

Tactical Rifle:
The Adv. Tactical Carbine class is designed for shooters who have already attended a Basic Carbine class (or equivalent). Training starts with a review on Carbine fundamentals on the flat range. Next, we will discuss shooting positions, movement, barricade mounting and proper cover.
Whether you are a civilian training for home/property defense or a LE/military member wanting to hone combat skills; You will learn techniques currently taught to SOF operators so that you can stand in the gap for what means the most to you.
Gun, Gear, and Ammo Requirements:(2) Magazines minimum (more is better)Sling, Optics, Iron Sights, Red Dot, Magnified all OK (Back Up Iron Sights BUIS are suggested for those using magnified or battery powered optics)Eye and ear protection are required.Clothing, athletic type footwear, brimmed hat (long sleeves and pants are suggested)100 - 150 rounds of ammunition.

Necessities of Scoped Rifle shooting:
This one-day, 8-hour class that focuses on building upon the shooters foundation in the fundamentals of marksmanship. During the course shooters will be introduced to range estimation, ballistics, wind reading and magnified optics, unknown distance, team shoots. Shooters will also be exposed to standard and non-standard shooting positions. This class is recommended for shooters that are capable and confident in weapons safety and manipulations that are serious about learning and gaining confidence in both themselves and their system.
Material Covered:
Weapons Safety
Gear Set Up
Rifle Zeroing & Truing
Intro To Range Estimation
Intro To Ballistics
Standard Positions
Intro To Wind Reading
Intro To Magnified Optics
Analyzing/Fine Tuning Fundamentals
Grouping Drills
Range Card/Target Reference Points
Priorities of Work
UKD/KD Drills
Team Shoots

Basic Gear Selection
Small Unit Tactics
Land Navigation
Basic Survival
Basic Rappelling
Basic Field Medicine
Small Unit Tactics Course is designed to teach the fundamentals of Team and Squad level tactics. You will be introduced to the same building block skills taught to US military members during training. Emphasis will be placed on the fundamentals and a firm understanding of tactics to build a solid base for more advanced training. The Tactics and Techniques taught in this course are the same tactics used by Special Operations
Land Navigation Fundamentals course is a hands-on class that teaches the fundamentals of Map Reading, Terrain Association and Dead Reckoning. This Land Navigation Training course is appropriate for all age and skill levels- families welcome. Attendees will be introduced to various types of maps and how to read them. Training will also include how to plot and read points on a map, how to measure linear and non-linear distance, how to establish pace counts, Compass use, Dead Reckoning, Terrain Association and Route Planning.
Basic Preparedness Survival Skills is the first in our series of survival classes that involves spending the night in the woods. This course is designed to provide a challenging, yet comfortable experience so that students can learn time-tested outdoor skills and a mindset that are valuable for any backcountry adventure.
Class starts with a gear shakedown, after a discussion on survival priorities around the group fire, students will be guided through the construction of their own shelters made from a combination of natural and man-made materials. Once the shelters are up, students receive in-depth lessons and practice time on fire craft, tool selection, and other survival-related topics. When the sun goes down, the instructor(s) prepare dinner over an open fire giving students the opportunity to work on knife skills and knot tying.
Additional lessons on fire craft, emergency signaling techniques, all-natural shelters, and other topics relevant to the current conditions.
The confidence you will gain from our Survival Skills classes will remain with you. If you still are not convinced, remember that the techniques we teach have been refined over many years and we take safety very seriously. There is always trained medical staff on hand as well as a temperature-controlled bunkhouse for emergencies.
Prepared &.